by | Aug 29, 2022 | Insight | 0 comments


by Aug 29, 2022Insight

The splendor of the Indonesian Awakening is Filantra’s commitment as the nation’s children in celebrating the 77th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, Filantra manifests it in the following programs:

  1. The splendor of Indonesia’s Awakening: x Filantra Cares for Flood-Prone Areas

The moment of the 77th Independence of the Republic of Indonesia animates our spirit to contribute to preserving the environment. Filantra and collaborated on a program entitled “Assistance for Environmental Preservation and Socialization of Disaster Mitigation in Rancaekek Flood-Prone Areas, Bandung”.

The handover of aid was held on Saturday, August 13, 2022, attended by Ir. H. Diar Hadi Gusdinar, M.Si as Camat Rancaekek, Yuliani as Lurah Rancaekek Kencana, Suparyana S.Pd as Head of Kwartir Branch Rancaekek District and Muhammad Afif as coordinator of for West Java.

The activity began with socialization of disaster mitigation in flood-prone areas with the theme “Save Our Planet”. Then continued with environmental conservation assistance in the form of providing 180 tree seedlings of various types planted around Rancaekek and also river cleaning activities that synergize with the people of Rancaekek District, especially Rancaekek Kencana Village.

It is hoped that this program can inspire the role of the community to be active in preserving the environment, such as not doing damage to the environment and practicing good habits so that they can inherit a better environment for the next generation.

  1. The splendor of Indonesia’s Awakening: The Augustan Competition with the Children of the orphanage in collaboration with the Social Service of the Province of West Java

As a spirit to fill this month full of struggle, Filantra in collaboration with the Social Service of West Java Province celebrated Indonesia’s 77th Birthday with a red and white flag-raising ceremony and the Augustan competition with the children of the SOS Children’s Village Indonesia orphanage in Lembang, Bandung.

On Wednesday, August 17, 2022, Filantra in the program entitled Lively Awakening Indonesia: Augustan Contest with Children at the orphanage contributed to the celebration of independence activities at the orphanage. In addition, Filantra also provided independence assistance for the orphanage.

This activity was not only enlivened by the children, the caretakers also took part in enlivening the independence activities. Various competitions that have become community traditions such as cracker eating competitions, tug of war competitions, ball entry competitions and many more bring joy and fighting spirit to all the orphanage children.

This program teaches us to foster the spirit of nationalism, especially to children, one of which is by involving them in activities to celebrate the independence of the Republic of Indonesia. Besides that, it also teaches the meaning of solidarity, tolerance, and love for the homeland and provides an opportunity to jointly build a better future for the nation.

  1. The splendor of Indonesia’s Awakening: x Filantra Shares Happiness with Communities in Need

This time, we filled the spirit of the spirit and solidarity of the Indonesian Awakening with different activities as is usually done by the general public. Filantra participated in celebrating the 77th Independence Day by sharing meat with people in need in four areas in Bandung.

The meat sharing program lasted for 3 days, starting on August 7 at Parongpong and Cibangkong, August 12 at Cileunyi and August 13 at Lembang.

The assistance provided was in the form of 400 boxes of ready-to-eat beef spread over 100 boxes in each region.

With the help of sharing this meat, it increases the spirit of mutual cooperation between communities to contribute in helping the meat processing process to presentation and distribution.

It is hoped that this meat sharing program will be a form of gratitude for the independence of the Republic of Indonesia and interpret that the moment of independence can be an event for giving charity and helping others. Freedom means caring for others.

  1. The Lively Awakening of Indonesia: The Orphan-Friendly Space Distribution Program with the West Java Provincial Social Service

In enlivening the Lively Awakening of Indonesia, Filantra once again contributed to being part of the relay of the nation’s struggle by helping others through the Orphan-Friendly Space Distribution Program with the West Java Provincial Social Service.

The Yatim Friendly Room is a facility dedicated by Filantra which aims to pour out love and help orphans to be empowered and resilient to face their current and future conditions with various forms of support provided.

The handover of this program assistance was carried out on Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at the West Java Provincial Social Service and was attended directly by Dr. H. Dodo Suhendar M.M as Head of West Java Social Service, Dra. Hj. Elis Kartini M.Si as Head of Social Empowerment (Dayasos) West Java Province and Asep Nurdin as CEO of Filantra.

The Head of the West Java Social Service expressed his gratitude and welcomes the excellent programs that have been implemented by Filantra. One of them is compensation for orphans, the assistance provided is not only once but also continues, especially for education. According to him, Filantra, who has been appointed by the Social Service to be the foremost partner in dealing with social problems, is expected to be able to help more in the future.

The Orphan Friendly Space Program has been running since November 2021, the orphans we serve consist of toddlers, elementary, junior high, high school students from three regions, namely Bandung City, West Bandung Regency, and Sukabumi City.

Dozens of orphans who have become part of the Yatim Friendly Room program feel a new spark of enthusiasm that they are not alone.

 “I am very happy to be a part of this Orphan Friendly Space program. Here I do not only get material assistance, but also immaterial assistance. Thank you very much to Filantra for presenting this excellent program, hopefully in the future it will be more successful and more people will be helped”, said Dimas, one of the beneficiaries of the Orphan Friendly Room program.

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