PT PLN (Persero) West Java Regional Parent Unit
State Electricity Company
To increase literacy and interest in reading in conjunction with Kartini Day.
Kartini is an inspiring figure for the world of education where she opened Indonesia’s eyes that reading is the key so that we can succeed, but at this time the interest in reading is reduced due to several factors that make children less understanding of literacy.
Kuningan. Rumah Baca Cerdas Ceria, an initiative supported by PLN UID Jabar through the Literacy Village program held an activity at the Car Free Day (CFD) event at Taman Pandapa Kuningan. This activity is part of commemorating Kartini Day, April 21, 2024.
At the CFD event, Rumah Baca Cerdas Ceria held reading books for visitors. Around 30 children, dominated by girls, visited Rumah Baca Cerdas Ceria where the majority of visitors were elementary school-age children.
The various activities were not only a place to enjoy reading activities, but also facilitated various exciting activities for children. Starting from storytelling sessions, reading books together, to playing traditional games such as congklak, and origami art to make rabbits. Through this series of activities, Rumah Baca Cerdas Ceria provides a fun and useful learning experience for all participants.
This activity also succeeded in strengthening the synergy between various communities, including Kampung Dongeng Kuningan who collaborated in a storytelling session directly delivered by Kak Rio Dewantara.
As a commemoration of Kartini Day, this event also illustrates Kartini’s spirit in fighting for women’s rights, including the right to education. The founder of Rumah Baca Cerdas Ceria, who is also a woman, Mayasyaroh is a clear example of how women can be pioneers in the world of education. With her dedication in establishing and managing Rumah Baca Cerdas Ceria, Mayasyaroh has made a meaningful contribution in improving access to education for the community, especially children in Cipondok Village, Cibingbin District, Kuningan Regency, West Java.
“Most of the beneficiaries of the children of the PLT UID Jabar Literacy Village program here are middle to lower class, to buy books is a luxury item, the existence of the Cerdas Ceria Reading House really helps the literacy needs of the community / beneficiaries,” said Mayasyaroh.
In addition, this event is also an important momentum to change the stigma that reading can only be done indoors. PLN UID Jabar, Filantra and Rumah Baca Cerdas Ceria are committed to continuing to promote a culture of reading in an open environment, so that reading is not only a useful activity, but also fun for all people.
This activity was also enlivened by the performance of the participants who sang children’s songs and Ibu Kartini Songs, as a form of respect for the figure of Kartini who has made a major contribution to the advancement of women in Indonesia.