Helping Victims Effected by The Eruption of Mount Merapi
Helping Victims Effected by The Eruption of Mount Merapi

PT. Saka Energy Muriah. Ltd
Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution
Helping Victims Effected by The Eruption of Mount Merapi
Many people have started to flee in temporary shelters, to anticipate things that aren’t desirable. They also had time to carry out final evacuations in several villages in Magelang, Boyolali and Klaten.
Thursday (26/11) PT. Saka Energy Muriah. Ltd with Filantra distributed basic food assistance for refugees effected by the eruption of MOunt Merapi through the Central Java Province BPBD.
The assistance provided includes basic food packages, hygiene kit packages and other daily necessities such as blankets, mattresses / mattresses, medical masks and portable sinks.
PT Saka Energy Muriah. Ltd and Filantra will continue to work together to help victims of the eruption of Mount Merapi as a disaster management effort.