Adira Finance Syariah and Filantra Helping the community to get a Free Ambulance facility.
Adira Finance Syariah and Filantra Helping the community to get a Free Ambulance facility.

Adira Finance Syariah
Financial Industry
Helping the community to get a Free Ambulance facility.
Not all people can get free Ambulance facilities.
Adira Finance Syariah and Filantra work together in the pillars of the Empowering Healthcare program with Free Ambulance services for the community.
On Tuesday (13/4) this Free Ambulance delivered the corpse of Mr. Soni Darti (61) to the Wonodri public cemetery, Semarang.
At that time, Mr. Edi Santoso, as the head of RT Kampung Kuwung 07, contacted the Free Ambulance to be able to help his residents.
“Thank you Adira Finance Syariah Ambulance and Filantra for helping our family to deliver the corpse to the funeral. Hopefully all the good deeds of the Adira Syariah & Filantra Ambulance team will always be rewarded by Allah SWT. Once again I thank you” said the family representative.
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