by | May 27, 2019 | Insight | 0 comments


by May 27, 2019Insight

Endah Listiani

Endah Listiani

Finance & Operational Dept head, Filantra

Financial management is an important thing in a company, and so is for company’s CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) funds management which is sometime was entrusted to CSR management institutions outside the company.

CSR management institutions are organizations that manage company CSR fund to be designed as a program that benefits the community and give sustainable impact.

At the end of the program implementation, the institution must submit a project report along with the project’s financial report. Project financial reports and internal financial statements of the institution should be carried out in accordance with accounting rules.

According to Sofyan Harahap (2005) Accounting is a process of identifying, measuring, and delivering economic information as information material in terms of considering various alternatives in drawing conclusions from the users.

While for financial statements, according to PSAK 1 (2015: 1.3) “Financial statements are a structured presentation of financial position and financial performance of an entity”. Munawir (2010: 5) states that “There are two lists compiled by Accountants at the end of the period for a company, the two lists are balance sheet lists or financial position lists and income lists or profit-loss lists.”

According to PSAK 45, non-profit organizations need to compile at least four types of financial statements as follows:

  1. Report on financial position (balance sheet) at the end of the reporting period
  2. Activity report for a reporting period
  3. Cash flow statement for a reporting period
  4. Notes to financial statements

As a ‘product’ of the financial department of an organization, financial statements must be made through several stages of the accounting cycle as follows:

  1. Identification and analysis of Transactions and recorded in the daily cash book
  2. Recording transactions into a journal
  3. Post to the ledger
  4. Preparation of trial balance
  5. Compilation of adjusting journals
  6. Making financial statements

The accounting cycle is a stage that CSR agencies also carry out in conducting internal financial reporting of institutions and projects so that they can make standard, transparent and reliable financial reports.

To make good financial reports, the institution must have a Daily Cash Book (BKH) and Daily Bank Book (BBH) to record its daily transactions, keep a journal of the daily transactions at the end of month, post to the Ledgers, and make a Trial Balance. And if there is a missed transaction then you must make an Adjustment Journal, and finally make a Financial Report.



  • Sofyan Syafri Harahap. 2007. “Teori Akuntansi”. Jakarta: PT RajaGrafindo Persada
  • Ikatan Akuntansi Indonesia. 2009. “Standar Akuntansi Keuangan”. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.
  • katan Akuntansi Indonesia.PSAK No. 1 Tentang Laporan Keuangan–edisi revisi 2015. Penerbit Dewan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan: PT. Raja Grafindo
  • Munawir, S. 2010. Analisis laporan Keuangan Edisi keempat. Cetakan KelimaBelas. Yogyakarta:Liberty


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