Aap Apipudin
Marketing Director, Filantra
Nowadays Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is growing rapidly in line with the increasing concern of the business community and the environment. CSR is a manifestation of the commitment of the business community to act ethically, operate legally and contribute to economic improvement, together by improving the quality of life of employees and their families while also improving the quality of local communities and society (WBCSD, 1995). CSR is a benchmark for social responsibility that determines the company’s reputation in the public perception.
One of important aspect of CSR is its potential to fund community empowerment programs. In Indonesia, funding sources for community empowerment programs consist of government funding, public funding and private sector funding. The existence of funding sources for community empowerment programs is an important factor as part of efforts to realize sustainable development, a development paradigm to meet the needs of the current generation without compromising the fulfillment of the needs of future generations (WCED, 1987).
The proof of Synergy and Collaboration has been initiated by the government. With the presence of the “BUMN Hadir untuk Negeri” Foundation it is a constructive idea to realize the goals of sustainable development (SDGs) in Indonesia. As stated by Rini Sumarno, Minister of BUMN “I always reminded that BUMNs are present in all corners of Indonesia. We embrace all religions and beliefs. We really have to combine them into national power, because I don’t see any nation like Indonesia, which can live in harmony together.”
Especially in the current Industrial Revolution 4.0 era, Synergy and Collaboration are the main capital so that stakeholders are not disrupted. And so is in Philanthropy and CSR industry, this becomes an inseparable unity of how the synergy and collaboration between the three sectors (government, business sector and civil society) must always be maintained because the direction and size of success of sustainable development is determined by how large synergistic slices carried out by the three development actors.