CSR and Sustainable Development Goals

Asep Nurdin
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are goals set by the United Nations to make the community a prosperous society and free from poverty in all fields.
There are 17 points in Sustainable Development Goals which include the 17th point of the Partnership for the Goals. Partnership can be interpreted as a form of cooperation between all groups to achieve Sustainable Development Goals.
The link between CSR and Sustainable Development Goals shows that the role of CSR is very important because CSR has many programs that will support the achievement of sustainable development goals.
Here lies the need for synergy between the Company, the community/NGOs and the Government in aligning the program with the goal of sustainable development. This can be done by making discussion forums or all groups can be more proactive in supporting their respective goals.
For example, a company doing CSR in Education program is relevant to SDGs because Education or Quality Education is the 4th point of SDGs. As for that, before the program is run it should be aligned in advance so that the items can be truly aligned and can support the achievement of SDGs through that program.