by | Mar 25, 2024 | Insight, Relevansi SDGs | 0 comments


by Mar 25, 2024Insight, Relevansi SDGs

Good news coming from Rutgers University in the United States. Humans have not only destroyed forests but have been able to repair them.

“After all this time, humans not only destroy forests, but can actually improve forests.” So said Jalal, Chairperson of Board of Advisor of Social Investment Indonesia when starting his presentation in the webinar “Innovative Action in Forestry to Protect and Increase the Benefits” online last Saturday (22/03). In the discussion to welcome World Forest Day, he reviewed the book Reforesting the Earth: The Human Drivers of Forest Conservation, Restoration, and Expansion by Thomas Rudel (2023).


Top 15 Countries with the Largest Forest | Sumber: Which Countries Have the Largest Forests? (

Dr. Thomas Rudel’s research highlights the positive impact of forests on our planet’s health. His recently published book reveals that some countries, like China, have increased their forest cover by a staggering 40% compared to the 1990s. Although Indonesia hasn’t seen significant improvement, it’s encouraging to learn that net deforestation has decreased from 1,092,181.5 hectares per year to 104,032.5 hectares per year.

However, we must acknowledge that our conservation areas are still facing a high rate of forest destruction. The Chairman of Auriga Nusantara, Timer Manurung, expressed his worry over the loss of conservation forests that actually have managers. The Papuan region has experienced the most deforestation in conservation areas, and 31 national parks, 45 nature reserves, and 26 wildlife reserves experienced deforestation in 2023. It’s important that we take action to preserve our forests and their benefits for future generations.the last ten years, from 1,092,181.5 hectares per year (2014-2015) to 104,032.5 hectares per year.

Unfortunately, the rate of forest destruction in conservation areas is still high, as quoted from Kompas, Timer Manurung, Chairman of Auriga Nusantara stated “The worrying thing is that we are losing conservation forests that actually have managers. This is a whip for Indonesia’s conservation area managers. Most of the deforestation in conservation areas occurs in the Papua region.” He added that there were 31 national parks, 45 nature reserves, and 26 wildlife reserves that experienced deforestation throughout 2023.

The protection of a conservation area is a task that necessitates the cooperation and involvement of multiple parties, particularly conservation area managers and local communities. Together, they can ensure the preservation of the protected area’s integrity. To achieve this, it is imperative to raise awareness and improve the welfare of the local communities. It is crucial to recognize that environmental destruction is primarily caused by poverty and lack of awareness. Therefore, prioritizing the welfare of the local communities and educating them about the importance of conservation is paramount.

Through collaboration and collective effort, we can create a sustainable future for our planet. The collaboration between conservation area managers and local communities is essential to maintaining the integrity of the protected area. This requires raising awareness and improving the welfare of the communities. The root causes of environmental destruction are low awareness and poverty, which must be addressed.


Why We Need Innovation in Environment Improvement

Filantra adopts a distinct approach to aid its partners in developing environmental programs by firmly coupling the value of environmental improvement with welfare. As highlighted by Asep Nurdin, the CEO of Filantra, “we do not only provides awareness and environmental management skills to stakeholders but also lays a strong emphasis on enhancing the welfare of communities residing in forest buffer zones”. This is because environmental improvement necessitates the collaboration of various parties, and focusing on welfare improvement is indispensable to accomplish this objective.

Filantra and Adira Finance Engage Students and Scouts in Sayang Bumiku Program in West Bandung Regency December 2023 | Photo: Filantra

Filantra has been providing assistance to PT Smelting Gresik in Sukabumi since 2018 to conserve the Javan Eagle (Nisaetus bartelsi) in the Gunung Halimun Salak National Park area through Pokdarwis Balik ka Bumi. This program provides training and aid to communities living in the buffer zone of the national park in forming a tourism awareness group (pokdarwis). This group will later become the operator of an ecotourism program that utilizes natural beauty and Javan eagle conservation as a tourism icon.

“We also have community empowerment programs here, where we have formed several Pokdarwis working groups. We provide distillator machines in Muara Dua Village, form tour guides, and provide craft training. The goal is to empower the area for mutual prosperity,” said PT Smelting Senior Manager General Affairs Sapto Hadi Prayetno. This activity supports the development of ex-situ conservation facilities at Taman Safari Bogor.

There is a growing demand for innovative solutions to protect forests. In fact, the 2024 World Forest Day commemoration theme is “Forests and Innovation: New Solutions for a Better World.” The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) encourages innovation to unlock the secrets of forests and find new ways to use trees. This includes developing sustainable alternatives to plastics, building materials, fabrics, medicines, and other everyday products by using materials derived from trees. Advancements in drone and satellite technologies are also helping us to monitor and manage forests, detect and extinguish fires, and protect ecosystems.

Another innovation developed by Filantra in addition to awareness and economic programs is to introduce the calculation of the value of the benefits of reforestation using the social return in investment approach. “The basis of the calculation that we use is mainly by comparing environmental benefits with the costs that must be done to make environmental improvements, such as carbon sequestration potential, critical land improvement, and the economic benefits obtained from these greening activities.” Said Muhammad Majid Badaruddin, Filantra’s Program Implementation team. “Alhamdulillah. This helps increase corporate interest and support for the improvement of forest areas through reforestation.”

Filantra has introduced an innovative approach to promote reforestation by calculating the value of reforestation benefits through the social return on investment method, in addition to awareness and economic programs. This calculation involves comparing the environmental benefits with the costs required for environmental improvements, such as carbon sequestration potential, critical land improvement, and the economic benefits derived from these green activities.

According to Muhammad Majid Badaruddin, a member of Filantra’s Program Implementation team, this approach has successfully increased corporate interest and support for forest area improvement through reforestation. He expressed gratitude for the success of this approach, stating “Alhamdulillah. this method provides a basis for the calculation of the benefits of reforestation, which can promote awareness and sustainability efforts among businesses and organizations.”

Director General of Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Satyawan Pudyatmoko, stated that conservation areas can be a major driver of regional economies. During the commemoration of National Nature Conservation Day 2023 at Bukit Tangkiling Nature Park in Palangkaraya City, Satyawan revealed that conservation areas not only serve as guardians of biodiversity but also provide economic benefits for local communities.

Currently, at least 175,000 families benefit from water sources within conservation areas, and another 220,236 families have access to electricity from hydropower plants within these areas. Furthermore, conservation areas generate 900 watts of electricity, providing power to one million households in Madura, Bali, and Nusa Tenggara.

Satyawan also highlighted the importance of environmental services provided by conservation areas. “For every Rp 1 of non-state tax generated, Rp 10 is provided to the communities surrounding conservation areas. This proves that conservation areas have a significant economic impact on local communities”.

This trend of improving global forest cover and ultimately improving human well-being is not a spontaneous process. “This is through a long process, and the result of several periods of changes in corporate perspectives, the application of certification for better forest management, recognition of customary rights and indigenous peoples,” Jalal concluded. Efforts made by civil society and corporations through the practice of corporate social responsibility have contributed positively to this environmental improvement.

The improvement of global forest cover and its positive impact on human well-being is not a spontaneous process. “It is the outcome of a long process, involving several periods of changes in corporate perspectives, the application of certification for better forest management, and recognition of customary rights and indigenous peoples.” Jalal concluded. The efforts made by civil society and corporations through the practice of corporate social responsibility have contributed positively to this environmental improvement.


Written by Salman Nursiwan

Penghijauan Sayang Bumiku. Filantra has been supporting PT Adira Finance in their initiative to promote greening movement since a particular year. The project includes the greening of 10 Adira Finance business units located in Medan, Palembang, Denpasar, Sidorajo, Samarinda, Manado, Solo, Depok, East Jakarta, and Bandung. Filantra has been involved in program planning, site selection, local community participation, and program evaluation.

Pokdarwis Balik Ka Bumi. Filantra has been assisting PT Smelting since 2018 to develop an environmental tourism program in Cikahuripan Village and Muaradua Village, Kadudampit District, in Sukabumi Regency. The program focuses on training and development of handicraft, tourism, waste management, and tourism MSME groups. The training includes management training, business capital distribution, and business planning and assistance. The program is known as Pokdarwis Balik Ka Bumi.

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