SROI or Social Return on Investment is a way to measure values that often overlooked in financial statements, such as: social, economic and...

SROI or Social Return on Investment is a way to measure values that often overlooked in financial statements, such as: social, economic and...
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies are guidelines that must be obeyed in formulating strategies and taking actions to achieve company...
The term CDO (Community Development Officer) is now familiar among social activists, especially among companies who always use its services in...
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Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are goals set by the United Nations to make the community a prosperous society and free from poverty in all...
A social program should be able to empower its beneficiaries, as the main goal to make the beneficiaries become more empowered after the program...
Nowadays Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is growing rapidly in line with the increasing concern of the business community and the...
Financial management is an important thing in a company, and so is for company's CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) funds management which is...
Indonesia is the biggest disaster ‘supermarket’ in the world. All types of disasters are here: earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, liquefaction,...